
Corporate and Group Volunteers


The Adopt-a-Trail program serves to protect and preserve the natural beauty and functionality of the Maricopa Trail and County Park trails through the use of committed community members as well as episodic volunteers. This is a partnership between the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department and members of the community at large. Individuals and groups are encouraged to adopt a segment of a trail for a two year commitment, to aid in the preservation and maintenance of the Maricopa Trail and park trails.

The type of maintenance required is similar to yard work. With the use of rakes, shovels, and other tools, the trail can be repaired for citizens to better enjoy the area.

A donation of $100 is required to pay for signage.

Steps for Adopt-a-Trail program:

  1. Reach out to the volunteer coordinator at to discuss your needs.
  2. Select a park, length and difficulty of the trail. Our team will locate a trail segment that matches your criteria as closely as possible. If you need assistance selecting a trail, the park trail maps are a great resource and can be found at The park supervisors and interpretive rangers are also a good resource.
  3. If you are formally adopting a trail segment, review and complete the Adopt-a-Trail Adoption Agreement. The $100 sign donation is required before the sign is installed along the trail. The sign will remain in place during the length of the agreement, which renews on a yearly basis.
  4. Once the paperwork has been submitted and approved, the volunteer coordinator will work with you to set-up two trail maintenance/cleaning events. These typically occur in the fall and spring.
  5. Clean-up efforts are organized through, and your group will be provided a link to your specific event.


This is an opportunity to impact your favorite park by funding a special project that will improve the park experience or support wildlife conservation efforts. You can help to fund and build a tortoise habitat, a wildlife viewing pond, or another special project that will benefit the park and its patrons.

Pricing varies depending on project selected.​

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