


Get Ready for Wildflowers (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants)

Saturday, February 25, 2023
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Usery Mountain Regional Park
3939 N. Usery Pass Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85207

(602) 506-2930 ext 4

Join Ranger Nikki on an easy walk to learn about common desert wildflowers and how to identify them in their early stages.

Join Ranger Nikki on an easy one-mile walk to look for indications that wildflowers are on the way. Learn about some of our desert’s common blooms such as filaree, lupine, bladderpod, Mexican poppy and more and tips on how to identify what you see. We’ll also talk about some unwelcome plants – invasive species that outcompete native desert species and create problems for the natural environment. Wear closed-toe shoes and bring water and a hat. Meet at Area 6 (Merkle Trailhead north side).

Limit 20 participants. Registration required by calling the Usery Nature Center at 602-506-2930 x4 with your name, phone number and number attending. Registration deadline: Thursday, February 23.

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