Park News

Results: 7 Articles found.
  • Maricopa County's Oldest Regional Park Set To Break Ground On A New Campground

    "In 2016, the Parks Department updated the Park's Master Plan. Feedback from the public revealed that visitors were interested in having a campground at the rodeo arena. I'm pleased to announce that we took the feedback seriously and found a way to bring this project to fruition. Construction on the new campground will begin on February 3," stated Supervisor Steve Gallardo, who represents District 5 on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.... more details

  • Estrella Park Competitive Track Closed for MBAA Bike Race Saturday 1/25/25

    The Estrella Park Competitive Track will be Closed for the MBAA Bike Race Saturday 1/25/25. Please use the main park trails at the entry of Vineyard and Casey Abbott Roads. Please be alert on the trails as there will be some long-distance bike riders on several trails as well. Please step to the side upon their approach. Thank You! ... more details

  • Estrella Mountain Regional Park Competitive Track Closed Saturday 1/25/2025 for the MBAA Mountain Bike Races

    The Estrella Mountain Regional Park Competitive Track will be Closed Saturday 1/25/2025 for the MBAA Mountain Bike Races. Please use the main park trails accessible through the main park entry at Vineyard and Casey Abbott Roads. Thank You... more details

  • Birds of Cave Creek Regional Park, Bird Walk, Third Saturday of each Month

    Birds of Cave Creek Regional Park, Bird Walk, Third Saturday of each month, 8AM (Dec-Feb), 7:30 (March), 7AM (April/May). Meet at Park Nature Center. Explore birds/bird life with special guest Joe Ford. The Park has a wide range of habitats. You will encounter some of the best birding in the valley! Beginner birders and longtime enthusiasts will enjoy this opportunity to spot and identify many species. Bring closed shoes, water and a snack. A Program follows the hike. Rainy day cancels.... more details

  • Birds of Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Bird Walk, Second Saturday of Each Month

    Birds of Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Bird Walk, Second Saturday of each month, 8AM (Dec-Feb), 7:30 (Mar/April), 7AM (May). Meet at Park Nature Center. Explore birds/bird life with special guest Joe Ford. The Park has a wide range of habitats. You will encounter some of the best birding in the valley! Beginner birders/longtime enthusiasts will enjoy this opportunity to spot and identify many bird species. Bring closed shoes, water and a snack. Program to follow. Rain cancels event.... more details

  • Agencies Break Ground on Multiphase Project

    Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will begin Phase I of the multiphase project. Over the next year and a half, MCDOT will construct park roadways, realign Vulture Mine Road and help to bring limited utilities to the area. ... more details

  • No Primitive Camping Available at Buckeye Hills Regional Park

    At this time primitive camping will not be offered at Buckeye Hills Regional Park. Suspension of this service goes into effect on January 21st 2018 with the last night of primitive camping being January 21st 2018... more details

Results: 7 Articles found.
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