


Sonoran Stroll (Limit 10 participants, registration required)

Tuesday, January 11, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Usery Mountain Regional Park
3939 N. Usery Pass Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85207

(602) 506-2930 ext 4

Learn about plants and animals of the Sonoran Desert on an easy walk with a ranger.

Learn about some of the unique plants and animals that live in our wonderful desert as Ranger Nikki guides you along Merkle Trail (approx. one mile). From saguaros and cholla to palo verde trees, Gila woodpeckers and more, discover how these organisms survive in an extreme desert environment. Bring plenty of water and wear closed-toe shoes. Meet at Area 6. Limit 10 participants. To register, please email Shayla Gunn at shayla.gunn@maricopa.gov with the Name, Phone Number and # of people attending. If you do not have access to email please call Shayla directly at the park at 602-506-9542 with Name, Phone Number and # of people attending. 


  • Physical distancing. Observe the CDC’s minimum recommended physical distancing of six (6) feet from others at all times. Share the trail and warn other trail users of your presence as you pass.
  • Personal hygiene. Follow the CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to visiting parks or trails.
  • Other. Do not use parks or trails if you are exhibiting symptoms. If you sneeze while recreating on a trail, please sneeze into your elbow to avoid the spread of germs.


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