


White Tank - Post-Easter Clean-Up

Monday, April 01, 2024
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
White Tank Mountain Regional Park
20304 W. White Tank Mountain Road
Waddell, AZ 85355

(602) 506-2930 ext. 5

This event will take place at White Tank Mountain Park.  Please check-in at the Nature Center where an area will be assigned.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves and trash pickers. Make sure to bring plenty of water.  A sun hat, sunscreen, and good hiking shoes are recommended. 

Trash bags will be provided.  

Name of person-in-charge of clean-up event:

Julie Sadek-Office Assistant Specialized

Office Phone: (602)-506-2930x5

Email: julie.sadek@maricopa.gov

Post-Easter clean-up. Easter is the busiest holiday for White Tank Mountain Park. Not only is litter ugly to look at, but it also can be a health risk for our native wildlife.

We are seeking volunteers who are willing and able to help collect trash the holiday brings to the park.  With a little help, we can ensure that White Tank Mountain Park remains a beautiful place for everyone to enjoy. 

Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves and trash pickers. Be sure to bring plenty of water. Water spickets are available throughout the park and the restrooms have drinking fountains. Good hiking shoes, sunscreen, and a sun hat are also recommended. Check-in begins at 7:45 am.  After the cleanup, all volunteers can enjoy the rest of the day at the park for free.  See you out there!

To register, please click on the link https://signup.com/go/uMALGiX

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