Park News

Results: 4 Articles found.
  • Maricopa County's Oldest Regional Park Set To Break Ground On A New Campground

    "In 2016, the Parks Department updated the Park's Master Plan. Feedback from the public revealed that visitors were interested in having a campground at the rodeo arena. I'm pleased to announce that we took the feedback seriously and found a way to bring this project to fruition. Construction on the new campground will begin on February 3," stated Supervisor Steve Gallardo, who represents District 5 on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.... more details

  • Estrella Park Competitive Track Closed for MBAA Bike Race Saturday 1/25/25

    The Estrella Park Competitive Track will be Closed for the MBAA Bike Race Saturday 1/25/25. Please use the main park trails at the entry of Vineyard and Casey Abbott Roads. Please be alert on the trails as there will be some long-distance bike riders on several trails as well. Please step to the side upon their approach. Thank You! ... more details

  • Estrella Mountain Regional Park Competitive Track Closed Saturday 1/25/2025 for the MBAA Mountain Bike Races

    The Estrella Mountain Regional Park Competitive Track will be Closed Saturday 1/25/2025 for the MBAA Mountain Bike Races. Please use the main park trails accessible through the main park entry at Vineyard and Casey Abbott Roads. Thank You... more details

  • Birds of Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Bird Walk, Second Saturday of Each Month

    Birds of Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Bird Walk, Second Saturday of each month, 8AM (Dec-Feb), 7:30 (Mar/April), 7AM (May). Meet at Park Nature Center. Explore birds/bird life with special guest Joe Ford. The Park has a wide range of habitats. You will encounter some of the best birding in the valley! Beginner birders/longtime enthusiasts will enjoy this opportunity to spot and identify many bird species. Bring closed shoes, water and a snack. Program to follow. Rain cancels event.... more details

Results: 4 Articles found.
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